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Types of Migration

There are a number of facets to the issues of migration in the Punjab. Given the relative prosperity of the region based on its agricultural development during the Green Revolution, it initially attracted considerable in migration of agricultural labourers. With recent industrialisation, in particular in the textile industries, it has attracted industrial skilled migrant labour. But the most significant migration type to affect the Punjab has been that of international migration to a number of developed country destinations. 

Initially this migration was to the United Kingdom as a result of the colonial legacy, this was later followed by migration to North America, to Canada in particular. The current pattern is towards Oceania and Australia in particular. 

  • facts around migration

Mommy & Me


The 1950's and 1960's saw significant migration to the United Kingdom. 

It was a period of time when the UK was looking to f

Little League


11:30 am

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